Friday, June 24, 2011

You probably have a very easy job -- the kind robots will be doing soon.

If a pretty poster and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind robots will be doing soon.
What motivates you? Why do different things motivate different people?

For some people it takes a positive potential incentive while for others, it takes a potential negative consequence. Do you guilt yourself into doing something or work toward the reward you may get when you finish it? Even if both the reward and consequence are intrinsic instead of extrinsic, would guilt or stress of a bad grade motivate you better or worse than the feeling of accomplishment and pride in your work?

Why is it so easy for me to break down this concept, look up things about it, analyze it and form an opinion when it would suddenly become much harder to do if it were a paper for a class with a due date and a grade attached to it?
I guess it might not be if you didn't care about your grades or turning things in on time-or if you didn't like writing blogs and Facebook notes like I do.

I originally thought of this during econ after I gave what was apparently a good enough answer for my professor to tell me to "sit back, relax and bask in the glory for the rest of the class." fine with me!

But honestly, food motivates me. If I tell myself that when I finish something I will get to eat or go get food or coffee, I know I can make it through. In addition, I truly do guilt myself into doing homework most of the time. I hate turning things in late or incomplete and I will somehow always subconsciously force myself to do something just for the sake of not having to experience the feeling when it's not done or I don't turn it in.

p.s. if you go to you can make your own demotivators like the one I attached (I didn't make this one though)

1 comment:

  1. We're the same! Food really motivate me to finish homework or something. It comes as my reward. And so far as I know, It really works for me!
